Setif Courtyard Marriott & Park Mall, ALGERIA


Setif Courtyard Marriott & Park Mall project is formed of;

* 49,000 m2 shopping mall,
* 21,000 m2 hotel (12-storey hotel with restaurants, bar, swimming pool, meeting rooms)
* 14,000m2 office (13-storey)
* 2,000 m2 multi-purpose conference hall
* 43,000 m2 multi-storey car park

The project has an incredible importance for Algeria because it is the third shopping mall in whole & 2nd Marriott Hotel of Algeria and the biggest complex of Africa including various types of buildings. Despite the difficulties caused by many participants of the project, technical and financial services provided until July, 2016. Services provided comprise; valuations to be received from the client, selection & submission & approval of materials to be used in the project and materials’ national and international procurement processes, valuations and payments of sub-contractors working at the project and the cost control monitoring in order to provide a projections for Board Members of KAYI International.